Hello and welcome to my BluMaan Original Styling Meraki Review.
In this post I’m going to be writing about my experience with BluMaan Original and how you can use it to maximise your long hair.
For those of you who are new here, my name is Thomas and I am a content creator from the YouTube platform.

My channel (Thomas In Action) has had a lot of success when it comes to hair-related content and I’m constantly testing and reviewing products to share with my audience, so if that’s something you want in your life a bit more then make sure you subscribe after reading this post.
Sooooo, Joe brought out BluMaan Original Styling Meraki quite some time ago now and I’ve only just gotten around giving it a go now #latemuch.
The main reasons I never thought it would be a good product for me were:
a) My hair is 13 inches long and I couldn’t see how it was going to work for me.
b) BluMaan Original Styling Meraki is a styling paste and my usual go to is a hair clay as that gives me the hold I actually need for my misbehaving hair.
c) I simply wasn’t aware of the brilliant features that BluMaan had incorporated into this product.
Anyway, I ended up getting curious about all his products and began doing some research of my own about them and the BluMaan Original Styling Meraki was an interesting one indeed.
The two things that got my eyebrows raising with this product were:
1. It can be used not only as a post-styling product for your hair but a pre-styling product as well.
2. It has a heat protectant built into the formula so you can blow dry and straighten your hair at the same time as styling it.
I found these 2 things really intriguing because I straighten my hair quite a bit, so I’m always after new products that will help protect it and before straightening I use a lot of restyling products. All of a sudden I could see how this product could potentially work for me. So with that I was straight onto BluMaan’s marketing department like a rash to see if I could get my hands on it and try it out.
In the end, they were happy with the idea of me doing a BluMaan Original Styling Meraki Review and hence how the video below was born.
The video isn’t exactly pitched as a BluMaan Original Styling Meraki Review, but the main thing I wanted to document was how BluMaan Original Styling Meraki could be used from a guy with longer hair’s perspective as before doing my research I just labelled it as another styling product for guys with short hair when that clearly wasn’t the case.
Anyway, after I finally got the product in my hands and had a play with it I was very pleasantly surprised!
Let’s break down my experience.
The BluMaan Original Styling Meraki Packaging
I actually LOVE all the artwork BluMaan has done on his product packaging. It gives a real retro colour pop vibe and is definitely something I’d have sitting on my bathroom countertop.
I’m not sure where he came up with the concept mixing random animals from Africa with loud obnoxious hairdos, but I love it. The BluMaan Original Styling Meraki features a blue Rhino with hair up to the gods.
The Scent of BluMaan Original Styling Meraki
By now I know it looks like I’m blowing smoke up this product's butt however, I was actually really impressed with the smell of this hair product. I was a little surprised actually, I was thinking it would have a real “gent” smell to it, which wouldn’t have bothered me but I was pleasantly surprised the refreshing spearmint scent that’s been put into it. It was very subtle but really pleasant so for that I give it a big tick.
The Effects of BluMaan Original Styling Meraki
On the BluMaan Original Styling Meraki tub, it says the product has a hold factor 4 out of 6 and gives a natural finish. When I used it, I used a deep conditioning treatment on my hair first to strengthen it, applied my usual leave-in conditioner, added the BluMaan Original Styling Meraki paste and began to blow dry my hair.
After my blow dry was complete instantly I noticed my hair had a lot more texture in the curl, which is very different from what usually happens. Usually, when I blow dry my hair it goes into it’s most out of control state and then my straightener saves the day but the opposite happened with this product.
Although BluMaan Original Styling Meraki made my curls a lot more defined, it also made it more difficult to run my fingers through my hair. I thought this was going to be an issue originally because to straighten my hair it usually needs to be floppy and workable, however, I was still able to section my hair properly and carry out my regular straightening routine.
After Straightening with BluMaan Original Meraki
After straightening my hair with this product I was also really surprised as the texture that was given to my curls was still present after my straighten. This is really different for me because I usually use styling products to texturise my hair after straightening it, so the fact that BluMaan Original Styling Meraki was able to do that was really cool.
If you’ve watched the video above, you’ll know I used Cavalier Clay by BluMaan to finish my hairstyle as it gave me a little more weight and control to my hair. I ended up doing a sweep back kind of style using some bobby pin and a tortoise clip. I think the final hairstyle was great as it was quite alternative and reflective of myself. The final hairstyle also became a new addition to my “Combating the Awkward Stage” library lol.
I may have forgot to mention that earlier in this post, but I’m currently growing my hair out and trying all sorts of different things to avoid looking terrible whilst growing it out. Im also doing monthly check-ins with my audience to create a place where we can all share our tips with each other. If you are also growing your hair out make sure you check out my growing hair out playlist.
Final Rating of BluMaan Original Styling Meraki
In conclusion, I think BluMaan Original Styling Meraki is AWESOME!
Seriously, I thought this was a product for only for guys who liked to rock short quiff like hairstyles and have been 100% proven wrong. I’m really glad I ended up reaching out to get my hands on some and if I were to give it a rating out of ten I would have to give it an 9.
The reason i went with an 9 is because even though it worked great for my hair, I don’t believe any product is a ten as there’s always something that could be improved. If I could recommend any improvements with this product in particular it would be to add an ingredient that added more moisture to the hair at the same time. My normal hair is quite dry by default and I noticed this product gave my hair a dryer feeling than when I usually straighten it.
Other than that I think it’s a well rounded product and I’m really happy with the result.
If you’d like to grab some BluMaan Original Styling Meraki for yourself, click the button below.
Thanks so much for coming to read my blog and I really hope you enjoyed my BluMaan Original Styling Meraki Review!
Until next time,
Yours in good hair,
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