If you have a man bun, or you're in the process of growing one, you are definitely in the right place, because in this post I’m going to show you 10 different man bun haircut variations that you probably never knew existed.
Firstly, I'm Thomas, and welcome to Man Buns & Manes. I make style and hair related videos every single week on YouTube and currently hold the number 1 ranking for man bun content in the YouTube search engine.
I’m currently running a man bun monthly video series on my channel and after reading this post I’d love to invite you over to the channel to see some more of my fresh man bun content. My community is growing super fast and I’d love to see you there :).
I also have a free Facebook group available for guys with longer hair, to help encourage them through the growing out process and to talk hair.
I deemed writing a little more man bun content on my blog necessary because I know a lot of my current audience are growing their hair out and stuff like this is pretty good for helping people keep their eye on their hair goals and not get too caught up in the awkward stage.
In this man bun post, we're gonna be talking about a variety of different man bun haircut styles that are out there I’ve picked 10 that I thought were pretty cool.
Most of these man bun haircuts are ones that I’ve actually worn myself. This blog post isn’t just a mash of random pictures of guys with man buns…There are a couple I haven’t worn but most of these are pictures of me. Enjoy!
Man Bun Haircut Variations
#1 The Undercut Man Bun
So for man bun haircut style number one is probably the most generic one that we've probably all seen. The man bun with the disconnected undercut or the undercut man bun as it’s called.
The undercut man bun is the first man bun haircut style that I ever had back when I started my YouTube channel in 2014. At the time of having this hairstyle I was living in Canada and I remember that this was the first time I had ever seen the man bun and coincidentally it was trending online.
I thought this man bun haircut variation was really slick and awesome. What I think is really cool is that even 4 years later it’s still a very popular hairstyle that people are getting. The undercut man bun is the second most popular hair goal that gets mentioned in the Hairstyles In Action Facebook group wit the full man bun being number 1.
So that's man bun number one. Feel free to let me know what you think of this man bun haircut in the comments of this post. 🙂
#2 The Full Man Bun
Man bun haircut style number two is the full man bun (that's me right now). The full man bun is freaking awesome in my opinion. The reason I wanted to grow my full man bun in general was because I ended up feeling like the undercut man bun just didn't have enough hair and I was running out of hairstyles that I could wear.
In other words I just got bored… So I thought, "You know what, it's time to get more hair going on and I'm gonna grow it all out." And 1 year and a bit later I'm finally there and couldn’t be happier with the result.
The cool thing with the full man bun haircut is that it has so many variations and within the simple variations, there’s more variation. See examples below, you’ve got::
The High Full Man Bun

The Regular Full Man Bun

The Lowered Full Man Bun

I think my favourite man bun haircut style to wear out of all of them is the messy high man bun. The reason for this is because it doesn't take that long to do. It's literally just chucking your hair up in a man bun and I feel like it suits my face shape the best.
If you are growing a full man bun, you might not know what your favourite full man bun style is until you can try them out and it’s a bit of fun to just have a play around with it. 🙂
Also just before I move on from this man bun style, I want to warn you that one of the biggest man bun cons you can expect with this hairstyle is it can be quite reliant on maintenance.
The more hair you have, the more you have to look after. So don’t be surprised if you end up with a heap of products and and accessories for your man bun by the time you finally grow it all out lol.
#3 The Man Bun Braid
The third man bun on the list is the man bun braid with an undercut. This man bun haircut was a really cool look that I got my friend Taryn to do on my hair about three years ago. We filmed a video on YouTube called “French Braid For Guys - Men's Hairstyles”.
At the time no body was wearing this particular man bun haircut style and much to my surprise, it was actually a big hit with my audience.
What’s even funnier is, the exact same day I uploaded that video, Luca Fersko posted a video about the man bun braid as well… Weird right? And I honest to god wasn’t strategically coordinated lol. #trendsetters
Luca Fersko and I were actually acquainted back in 2014 when we both started making Men’s hairstyle videos. I’m not sure what he is doing with himself these days.
His YouTube channel has been completely defaced but he seems to still be kicking around on instagram creating dope as shit content still. He’s so cool. 🙂

Anyway, since the 15th of February 2015 when Luca fersko and I posted our videos, I’ve noticed that the man bun braid has become astronomically more popular online and seems to be a man bun haircut that a lot of guys want to get.
If you are also a fan of this man bun haircut variation, make sure you check out my channel after reading this post as I have a stack on man bun braid content as well as a Pinterest board dedicated to the hairstyle lol. I’m like obsessed.
#4 The Diamondback Man Bun
Simply put, the Diamondback Man Bun haircut is just a variation of the Undercut Man Bun. You can can see how these 2 hairstyles look very similar but the V shape at the back adds another dimension that the undercut man bun doesn’t have.

Because I can get bored with my hair quite easily, a few years ago I was checking out my undercut man bun in the mirror and thinking to myself “how can I switch this up a little?”. I still really liked the undercut man bun look but I just wanted something different.
So created my Pinterest account and off I went in search of a few different men’s hairstyle ideas. If you don’t have Pinterest and you frequently find yourself looking for hairstyle ideas, make sure you get on it! It’s so good. I have 1029390433 Men’s Hairstyle boards that are awesome for hair inspo, you can check them out here.
Anyway, back to my story about the Diamondback Man Bun. After I set myself up on Pinterest, it didn’t take me long to find some ideas and one of the hairstyle ideas I found included the Undercut Man Bun with this awesome V shape. I was like WOAHH!! This is definitely the small change I’ve been looking for!
It took me and my hair dresser, Josh, a few goes to get the shaping of the back right but we got there in the end. What sucked the most was, I got the shape right, but I still have 8 inches of hair to grow before I could get the V shape to fit into my Man Bun…
I guess you could say this was my first experience with growing my hair out. If you are in that process or have endured it before trying to achieve a certain hairstyle, you’ll know what I mean when I say it’s a pain in the ass.
Once I got the diamond shape perfect on my head, it took around 5 months to grow the hair long enough to get it into the man bun. I was under the impression I’d need it way longer for it to work however, I wore my man bun quite far back on my head which meant the hair didn’t have far to grow. Which made me happy lol.
This particular man bun haircut has a soft spot with me, not sure why but I really loved it and so did my audience when I showed it to them on my YouTube channel.
What’s really funny is I used to refer to it a duck bum when I was growing it out haha. It just looked so fluffy and duck bummish so I decided to call it that lol
Ok Moving on!
#5 The Jon Snow Highballer

My idea of a highball is a high bun with flowing hair underneath. For example, Jon Snow from Game of Thromes wears a what I would call highball hairstyle. I mean you could call it a Bun Mullet as it has characteristics of both a hair bun and a mullet, but that’s a fugly name if you ask me.
Anyway, Man bun hairstyle number 5 is what I like to call The Jon Snow Highballer.
I’m not sure if it’s because of Jon Snow’s hair that I like him as a character in GOT but I definitely think his hair style is groovy. In fact his highball has been trending online here and there for a while and him & I seem to have similar hair so how could I not try this man bun style?
It’s fairly simple to achieve and is a great option is you are looking to switch your hair up a little. Also just a little tip, to get the best result from this hairstyle, make sure your hair on the back of your head and your nape is sitting at 5 - 6 inches at least. Any shorter and it can look a bit dicky, in my opinion. 🙂
#6 The Lowered Undercut Man Bun
Well, look what we have here haha, another undercut man bun variation. I can totally imaging all these different names can be a little confusing and just FYI this is the first man bun style in this post that isn’t one I’ve worn before. I’m just a real big fan of this one and couldn’t not put it in this post.

Essentially, The Lowered Undercut Man Bun is a disconnected undercut but cut it far lower down the head than a regular undercut that you are used to seeing.
I first spoke about this hairstyle in my first growing out process check in on my YouTube channel.
I mentioned that this is the hairstyle was my end goal after I had grown all of my hair out. However, as my hair has gotten longer and longer, I’ve changed my mind about whether it’s what I want.
I still think the style is really cool, I just have gotten a bit attached to my long flowy locks and after putting so much skin in the game to grow it, it seems almost like a waste at this time.
I think eventually I will get The Lowered Undercut Man Bun, but it probably won’t be until I really get sick of having my full man bun. You know? Really cool style though and I’ve seen it hell of a lot on Pinterest which usually indicated a lot of guys like it as well. It’s trendy.
#7 The Cap Man Bun
Man bun haircut number seven is the cap man bun. I like this man bun style a lot as it seems to give my face a completely different look. I don't only just wear this man bun hairstyle when I feel like looking a little bit different, but it also is really practical when I go for a jog.

Running and having long hair can be really irritating, so I like to keep my hair out of my face by using a cap and it also helps block out the harsh Aussie sun. On top of that when I’m having a shit hair day, a cap seems to solve everything lol.
So in conclusion for this Man Bun style, it’s practical and can adjust my aesthetics all in one.
If you have and man bun and don’t have a cap, get onto that haha.
#8 The Halfway Man Bun
Now it’s time to look at man bun haircut number eight, The Halfway Man Bun. I created this one myself to help me deal with the awkward stage a little better. It looks really similar to the Jon Snow Highballer, however, it's straightened and it's for people that are in the awkward stage of growing their hair out.

When I was going through the guts of the awkward stage and looked like Krusty the Clown, I really needed a solution to combat the copious amount of things I didn’t take into account before I began to grow my hair out...
So as I was trying to make something work, I ended up tying up whatever hairs were actually able to fit onto my man bun (which wasn’t many lol) and then just used bobby pins to secure the ugly bits that wanted to stick out.
There was definitely an art to it. I tried my best to disguise the bobby pins and obviously couldn’t hide all of them but I was actually really stoked I could make a hairstyle that wasn’t half bad…
After that amazing discovery, I made a tutorial about how to achieve this man bun haircut and shablam, the rest was history. If you are in the exact same situation with growing your man bun right now, here’s the video I did. You may find it really useful. 🙂
#9 The Double Side Braid Man Bun
Now that’s a mouthful huh? This man bun haircut is a relatively new one that I've been starting to wear since the sides of my have been longer hence why I call it the double side braided man bun.

For this man bun style I will leave all the top hair on my head like a normal man bun but I'll braid the sides. When it comes to man bun braids, I've only really been used to doing it on top of my head. For this one I had to change the angle of my head and try and keep my coordination up. It’s fairly tricky actually.
If you are a guy who can braid your own hair (it’s really rare I’ve found haha) give it a go and if you can surely your sister or your mum will know how. If you are by chance interested in learning how to braid your own hair, I’ve made a really easy step by step tutorial on my YouTube Channel. I’ll leave it just below this paragraph for you so you can have a look.
#10 The Dreadlock Man Bun
Man bun hairstyle number 10 it is the dreadlocked man bun. This man bun style isn't gonna be very easy for everybody to achieve, clearly. Unless you have dreadlocks, but it is one really awesome look in my opinion.

You probably just noticed that this isn’t a picture of me, however, this man bun was just too cool to not be included in this post and seeing as I’ve never had dreadlocks it’s a little difficult for me to present pictures haha. This was another one that popped up on Pinterest. I saved it once and then all of a sudden I just seeing dreadlocked man buns everywhere.
And that is my 10 man bun haircut styles!. I hope I was able to show you some really cool quirky ones that you hadn't seen before.
Let me know what kind of man bun haircut you're going for in the comments of this post and which one of these man buns were your favourite. I'd be really interested to know.
That's pretty much all I've really got for you in terms of man bun haircuts right now. If you're growing your hair and aiming for a man bun, you might want to join my Facebook group called Hairstyles In Action.
I created the group as a place for guys with longer hair and man buns to come together and support each other with awesome hair advice and inspiration for growing their hair out. At the time of writing this post the group is nearly at 1000 members! It’s so cool. If you’d like to come join us, click here.
If you haven’t seen my YouTube channel yet, make sure you subscribe here and tune into my Man Bun Monthly series where I talk everything man buns and give my best tips for keeping your man bun in the best shape possible.
Thanks so much for reading this far and I hope you have an awesome day!
Yours in good hair,
I know you just read this entire post but Just incase you are interested, I did also make a video that covers all the styles I mentioned in this post and you can find it just below. 😉
3 Comments on “10 Different Man Bun Styles – Men’s Long Hairstyles”
nice hair styles
I have the #1 hair bun that was your original. This is new to me so we’ll see if I continue to like it but for now my intent is to grow it longer.
Fantastic info. My girlfriend and I wear matching hair. We’ve been complimented many times. Good ideas here